Thursday, December 23, 2010

What Makes America Special?

America is special. Most of us realize that, but just what is the essence of America that sets us apart? Let’s forget our delusion of being the biggest and most powerful, because they are not the essence of our uniqueness.

As the 21st century’s first decade slips into history, we Americans have had quite a time, especially in the last two years. We’ve had a whole plethora of bad things to wrestle with – racial prejudice, political discord and stalemate, economic inequity, duplicity, greed and disaster including joblessness and foreclosures such that only our ancestors had seen.

We had a lot of disagreements; we had shouting, name-calling and insulting of each other, but we ended 2010 with record-breaking society-changing new laws. Our legislators finally decided that they would “listen to their better angels”, as President Obama said on Dec. 22 at the end of it all.

Having led with the doggedness of a bulldog with a bone and been called a wimp and other names, this multicultural leader showed patience, grace and amazing perseverance as he continued to work toward achieving the ideals with which he was elected.

Although he never put a timeline on them, he was finally able to keep a number of his promises just this past week after two years of unprecedented lack of cooperation from opposing legislators who stated that their only goal was to block anything Obama proposed, and to get rid of him. Their primary legislative issue was in protecting every single penny of the wealth of their fellow Republicans, and the country’s welfare be damned. The deficit be damned. The poor, jobless Americans be damned.

And the American people protested vigorously, but we didn’t tear our country apart. Because, as Obama said today, we are a country based on ideals, values and convictions and, in the end, we came together on points of common ground.

During this historic week, our Congress passed a law allowing gay people to declare themselves, as they serve so bravely in protecting our country. Whether we agree with our leaders’ foreign policy or we deplore it, we do -- almost universally -- support our troops.

Today, our leaders decided to take care of workers who are still suffering nine years after they gave unreservedly to save people who were caught in the horror of the World Trade Center, and they confirmed America’s part of reduction and monitoring of Russia’s and America’s nuclear weapons.

When, as Republicans prepare to take over Congressional leadership, a journalist asked our President who will drive America during the next two years he replied, the private sector (the people) will drive America. What he meant was that we elected our leaders, and we have the privilege and responsibility of making sure legislators work toward the ideals which will bring our inequities into balance. Please remember always, this is our privilege and our responsibility.

All of these points about Americans are true, but they’re not the essence of what makes America special. We are special because we are made of a mind-boggling range of individuals. America is not perfect; far from it, but neither are you and I. America is comprised of every sort of humanity imaginable. We come from every corner and pocket of the world. And we are driven, for the most part, by ideals, values and convictions.

To recent Americans and immigrants who see America as only a place of moral degradation, an imperfect foreign policy and other negative points, I say, “Then, you see yourselves because you are America.”

Have you been seeing Americans as ‘they’? I hope you will come to realize that it’s simply not possible to use America only as a place to earn money, educate your children and live comfortably as you dream of returning to your homeland. Like it or not, whether or not you are a citizen, you are part of the fabric of America, and we need you.

We need your bravery in coming to a new land with seemingly strange customs. We need your economic values of frugality as you begin to gain a foothold on making your dreams come true. We need your humor and your values. We need the best of you; what you bring from your original lands.

We need for you to realize that you can see yourselves as Americans without losing any part of who you are. You will enhance yourselves, as you learn to help your children to bridge your original culture and our ‘new’ culture. Do you realize that you may be nurturing and influencing the next President of these United States? Do you want your children to achieve greatness as Americans because of you, or in spite of you?

You make America special. I make America special; each and every one of us  makes America special. Your potential makes us special. Our common ideals make us special – each of our own religion’s version of the Ten Commandments, our moral values – make us special.

We all want the same things -- a safe, nurturing environment for our children, a good job, comfortable home, freedom to practice our religion, to be who we are and to live free from fear.

I realize that, like all of us, America is still a work in progress, and I invite each of us to keep working together as we help America to reach her full potential. In our diversity, we’ll look for the goodness and common ground in our fellow Americans (official or resident). We’ll enjoy and appreciate the differences among us; we’ll learn from each other and we’ll teach each other.

One of my favorite songs, by Bruce Springsteen, is titled, If I Should Fall Behind. It says that, ‘as we walk together our strides are different so, if you fall behind I’ll wait for you; if I should fall behind, will you wait for me?’ (paraphrased). So, I’ll ask each of you, will we walk together as Americans? If I should fall behind, will you wait for me? If you should fall behind, I’ll wait for you as we walk together to make our America even more special. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Are Muslim Leaders All They Should Be?

By Molly Darden

Islamophobia in America has left Muslims feeling puzzled and sad, though not surprised. Most live exemplary lives, they posit, so why are they feared and discriminated against? One possible explanation may seem surprising, and it involves some introspection regarding Muslim leadership in America.

Which of us doesn't believe our children are the smartest, best and most beautiful or handsome of all? Of course, we all do! Other people, however, may see them differently; they may notice areas in which our children might improve.

In this context, I suggest that perhaps some non-Muslim Islamic scholars may be able to see the religion more objectively than Muslim scholars, shedding new but nevertheless valid light that may be new to Islamic traditionalists. This new light might possibly be useful in guiding Muslims through their roles in the global 21st Century. I don’t refer to global Muslims, but primarily to Muslims in America although applicable also to other Muslims in the West.

Questions arise as to the purpose of Islam. In the 21st century, should it be a stagnant preservation of Qur’anic teachings and followings of social morés of the Prophet Mohammed, or should it be a social justice movement as well? In a biographic interview* Imam Abdassamad Clarke of Northern Ireland quoted Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi as saying that Islam is not a culture but a filter for culture.

I question that premise as an incomplete one. The general belief of Muslims is that they follow a religion based on a set of 7th century rules, regulations and customs, and that careful following of these dicta will get them into Paradise, their ultimate desired destination. That could be a simplistic version of the religion; is that enough, or do they need to combine that belief with social action as well?

Clarke continues in the same interview, “…societal structures are breaking down…we have to have the generosity to help as many people…as we can, for the tremendous nature of the Islam of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is this character of rescuing everyone except for a small group of the most intransigent. It is that generosity and largeness of heart that is needed.”

We assume, of course, that Muslim religious leaders know more than the basics or the detailed history they teach, but maybe they're too close to the "party line" to see Islam in a wider scope. Or, maybe they believe their followers don't have the capacity to move beyond the basic ideas.

For example, Muslims learn that Islam means submission to God, and that Islam is the only true religion. But Christianity and Judaism preach the same thing in various forms, so what sets Islam or other Abrahamic religions apart? Do they really need to be apart or, as Jon Stewart suggests, do they each want to be perceived as the one true religion in order to avoid competition?

Some non-Muslim Islamic scholars, conferring with Muslim scholars, conclude that Islam is a social justice movement based on elementary human values. In his book, Was Jesus a Muslim? Dr. Robert F. Shedinger writes, “…in an Islamic worldview humans are understood as God’s viceregents on earth. As such, transformation of the world system is a human responsibility, a responsibility wrapped up in the mutual transformation of the material and spiritual in Islam.”

If that is the case, and it is generally accepted, I’m wondering why ground level American Muslims and, for the most part their leaders, limit their widely read social media postings to pious quotes and admonitions based on 7th century morés. Surely, if Islam is a vibrant religion or social movement relevant to 21st century living, people would find ways of applying the basic teachings to social needs and actions of today.

It’s curious to me that so many Muslims are still discussing and arguing over such issues as gender relations and social conventions – the proper greeting to each other, backbiting, etc. --  rather than focusing on social issues – hunger, need for education assistance, (mentoring and tutoring), literacy and so much more. Of course Muslims are socially active in pockets but as a group they don’t seem to communicate moral imagination based on Islamic teachings.

A recent khutbah (sermon) in a major Atlanta mosque consisted of a 45-minute lecture on the sighting of the moon. While some listeners may have found that discourse interesting, it was hardly socially helpful. Rather, local imams could choose a six-month or twelve-month theme for khutbahs, such as “How to form a unified American Muslim Culture" which would accommodate cultural variations and contribute to society, or  “What is our role in Western society?”.

An excellent opportunity for applying their morés to modern needs would be addressing the appalling debt load which so many people carry. According to Muslim teachings, they are forbidden to pay interest. That means they cannot carry significant debt. Ideally, according to Shariah Finance, Muslims would follow a “pay-as-you-go” financial path – an exemplary lesson for non-Muslims and an opportunity for leadership.

Another opportunity would be the “spread the wealth” requirement of zakat, to give a designated percentage of their disposable income to the needy.

It seems that, like interfaith groups, a great many Muslims prefer committees and conferences that discuss the problems more than reaching a consensus on how to solve them. Wouldn’t it be wonderfully innovative for them to prepare a Declaration of Social Responsibility or a Declaration of Conscience similar to the American Declaration of Independence! The document would include pledges of related action.

Maybe it’s time for Muslim leaders to move their concepts of Islam to a more progressive level based on the undeniable interconnectivity of 21st century global society. And if they do this, maybe Muslims would automatically become more visible contributors to improving social justice.

And perhaps one of the best results of these changes would be that Islamophobia would begin to melt away!

*Bookwright blog, December 2009; interview by Mohamad Omar in Sweden